Roof coatings save money plus offer Green Roofing Solutions
As a Florida state Certified Licensed Roofing Contractor this writer asserts roof coatings are a great resource to utilize when repairing or preserving low slope or flat roofing systems.
The advantages coatings present to Roofing professionals are many, and some if not most, are in a class of environmentally sustainable roofing products, that are primarily used on flat or low sloping existing roofing systems on residential, or commercial buildings.
The goal is to sustain the existing roof to the furthest point in the future, and if this can be done effectively it will pay big dividends to a property owner, in other words, the proper application of roof coatings are an economical green roofing solution.
Who wants to spend money on a new roof ? replacement is usually a forced decision as a result of a failed, or worn out, poorly maintained roofing system. Suddenly, or over time, after living with a leaking roof, the need to prevent moisture intrusion, and further damage, becomes a front and center issue, when the roof begins to leak, at that point it is time to take action this is a typical scenario encountered by this writer.
Some considerations regarding the environmental side of the use utilizing roof coatings.
First they can be used for any structure that has a flat or low slope roof system in place, and there are so many of these types of structures be they commercial buildings or a small or large roof on a residential homes.
The immediate benefit to the environment is, a roof does not need to be removed as frequently and in some cases if the use of roof coatings is approached correctly there can be an extension of a roof system indefinitely, and literally it is possible the roof can last the span of a human lifespan this is totally achievable provided there is a proactive approach to preserving the roofing system using roof maintenance, there is however investment is required, over time, as nothing is for free.
Comparing apples to oranges, saving money is probable when incorporating a maintenance solution involving the use of roof coatings.
The best benefit is the reduction of the waste removal with respect to getting rid of roofing materials from the old roof that is to be replaced and we are talking big money plus large volumes of waste being added to the landfills most roof replacements produce as much as a ton or more of mixed waste and that is just residential these amounts can skyrocket when replacing a commercial buildings roofing system.
Now for the really impressive aspect of utilizing this type of liquid roofing system, they are seamless when properly applied and at the right rate of coverage. Every other type of roof system has a seam or joint or section that attaches to another section, so the chances for failure over time are everywhere.
Proper installation of a roof coatings systems on existing roofing results in a refurbished old roofing system, turns all the seams and attachment points into a monolithic, seamless membrane, applied onto the surface of an existing roof system that is when completed is devoid of entry points for water intrusion to penetrate connection points, wow ! truly an impressive reason to use roof coatings.
Another quality of roof coatings and benefits, is reflectivity of heat off the top of a building when using “white” roof coatings, thus contributing to increased interior comfort plus lower energy cooling costs. Florida’s summer season is very long, brutally hot, and air conditioning a building is essential, also major expense, as everyone who pays an electric bill knows first hand, it really smarts when writing that check.
The two biggest benefits besides waterproofing surfaces on low sloped or flat roofs, is a reduction of landfill waste, also electricity used to cool the interior of a building, but wait, there are even more benefits for the use of roof coatings Jacksonville, one of them is the lack of disruption of normal activities around a building, during the tear off, and installation of a new roofing system, this process is very disruptive for a variety of reasons, can be possibly be avoided with the use of roof coating systems.
When a low slope, or flat roof is being removed, and replaced there is a lot of action around a property during the process. Workers coming and going large supplier trucks, dumpsters taking up space the noise from all the work being performed above, trash around the edges of the roof, nails on the grounds all these distractions are temporarily aggravating while waiting for completion of the replacement, potentially this can be side stepped utilizing roof coatings.
To be fair roofing coatings are not an option for every single low slope, or flat roofing issue, and there are more than enough circumstances when a roof replacement is the only option remaining upon that realization one must just grin, and bear it both financially, and mentally.
Why not explore some of the many benefits that can be had by contacting a qualified roofing expert take a look the next time the subject is front and center to see if the roofing system would be a good candidate for the use of roof coatings.
Roof coatings what types are best
There are roof coatings that some readers might encounter when they make a trip to the local Home improvement store.
There is a wide range of roof coatings products to get acquainted with when making a selection. Roof coatings are comprised of a variety ingredients, and names, silicone, elastomeric, acrylic, asphalt, aluminum, or fiber coatings with a variety of variables making up their composition. Most roof coatings are inferior but some work very well just be sure they are not installed on the wrong type of roofing system, plus if there are long curing time stages for the coating to dry it can get washed off with rain, or diluted with moisture of other kinds.
Moisture is the enemy for installers of roof top waterproofing products, weather conditions must be dry for specific periods of time for application for them to work.
James Neill has installed roof coatings in the fall, winter, spring and summer months on all manner of structures and surfaces be it metal/mob/build up/rubber/tar roofing systems, even on stucco walls on occasion.
James Neill over the course of many years through trial, and error has learned what works best, which coatings applications to rely upon on for peak performance, and durability. Choice of the right roof coatings to use, and to offer clients has been a what works, and what does not process of elimination over many years.
There are also many asphalt or oil based types of products, they are not especially considered green, but they have their place, be aware using these on roof systems that are not of a materially compatible composition, the wrong choice can destroy an existing roofing system, and lead to a big repair or replacement bill.
It is wise to contact a professional who knows how to select roof coatings, their use, and compatibility on different types of roofing systems. There are a wide variety of performance claims as there are many types of roof coatings.
Get ready for sticker shock as roof coatings are quite pricey and run anywhere from $55-$125 a gallon, yes a gallon, if there is a need for a large quantity, this can really add up. Even with their inherent high costs, utilizing the right roof coatings is still usually much less expensive than replacing the roof by as much as 35-40 percent depending on the application and in roofing business that 35-40 percent means saving thousands, yeah that’s right thousands.
By far the best is 100% silicone based roof coatings for Florida weather, their ease of use and waterproofing capabilities and drying time are superior to any other in the opinion of James Neill the owner of James Neill Roofing & Waterproofing Inc. installing silicone roof coatings for more than 12 years with great results.
It took a while to find the right brand and money was wasted trying others, but a preference for silicone emerged over time, and now the use of them almost exclusively. The best installation techniques have been learned, and developed, the right products to install have been sourced that provide reliable, and durable results that hold up under water, making Silicone our favorite class of roof coatings.
Steps to using roof coatings
Alright it has been determined that the roof system is a great candidate for a roof coatings system, and the prospect of saving all that money by not needing to replace that roof after all is really thrilling ! right ? just sends goose bumps up the back of the neck, we have a plan, ready to roll.
Not so fast, this is when it may be best begin some tutorials, on how to, if planning a DIY project, or consider hiring a professional to take care of the installation, as there are some steps to take before installing that liquid gold up there on the roof that will lead to that affordable, hassle free roof solution.
Homeowner’s and building owners can do the installation of roof coatings, as long as they are comfortable on top of a roof climbing a ladder to get up there, plus knowing all the technical how to steps, the time and patience, for sure it is doable for a Novice to effectively install roof coatings.
To start with the roof is a very dirty place, after all it’s outside exposed to everything imaginable so it is quite the filthy place and needs prep before installing the precious liquid roof coating that cost $300 average for 5 gallons, put this stuff down on a dirty surface my as well take $300 and light a match to it.
Adhesion is the key to applying roof coatings, it has to stick to the surface of the roof to work, this requires the proper rate of coverage (uniform thickness) by the installer to be effective. This especially true when working with bright white coatings they can cause white out effect on a persons vision, and cause improper spread rate, or splotchy spots which is another good reason for contracting someone to install them.
The roofing system can not be wet or dirty a proper Ph balance of the existing roof system covering a building must be obtained before installing most roof coatings.
A typical first step to prep the roof is that it should be cleaned by a roof cleaning service as most folks are not going to take their pressure washing machine on the roof due to the intense vibration it causes and the bulk of the machine dragging up a ladder to get it there. Roof cleaning services have the equipment they just pull their hoses off a spool onto the roof and go to town, so be sure to hire a qualified cleaner. Examples of contaminants to remove are fungus, dirt, acids, oils, and a variety of other elements must be cleaned off before installation of roof coatings takes place.
So, the prep has been completed, all holes, and cracks, voids, rips and gaps have been sealed and repaired with the correct materials, the roof has been cleaned, time to rock & roll install the roof coatings.
Yes, repairing any defects on the surface of the roof covering should be completed before installing any roof coatings as proper rate of coverage in damaged or worn area’s may not be achieved and weaken the rest of the coating system once installed by allowing water intrusion under the coating. With liquid roof coatings a seamless roof membrane is the completed result when (cured) dried and uniformity is key.
A roofing professional will know where and what to repair prior to installing the roof coatings.
Since most roof coating systems come with limited warranties it is highly important to do things correctly should there ever be a failure and claim be filed with company selling the coating.
That is why hiring a roof coatings expert takes out the guess work, the job of the installer is to know these types of details so once the roof coatings are installed it will be a hassle free roof for years and years to come and withstand the scrutiny of a warranty claim.
Hopefully after reading about roof coatings it is clear, that installing roof coatings is not just a matter of painting the surface of the roof with an expensive liquid then reaping the rewards, no to the contrary, as with all types of roofing there is a process, and for optimal results the proper methods of installation must be adhered to for long term successful use of roof coatings.
James Neill is a Roofing contractor, who is local and centrally based out of East Arlington in Jacksonville Florida. Seasoned and proven he is a roofing professional with over 40 plus years in the roofing industry installing and repairing roofing, and roof coatings.

James Neill roofing & waterproofing specializes in the installation of roof coatings and knows what type to use for any roofing related water intrusion or maintenance issue on any commercial or residential building that may be solved by the proper application of a quality roof coatings system.
He will inspect the roof once requested and determine if it will qualify to be coated as not all can be preserved or fixed using roof coatings.
Contact James directly at 904.221.5981 if interested in finding out if this will be a good solution for solving any specific roofing problems with the utilization of roof coatings.